Monday, January 21

Out with the old . . .

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that I've been toying with changing the name for some time now.  As time wore on and the nature of this little space continued to evolve, I became more and more bothered by the title.  Like a nagging itch you just can't scratch, the title grated on my nerves.  I don't know what exactly bothered me so.  Perhaps because it was so long and cumbersome - a tongue twister to say the least.  It may have conveyed the wrong idea.  But whatever the case, it just didn't fit. 

So today I decided to take the plunge and change the title.  Change is healthy, right?  I hope you don't mind.  Pure and Peanut Free is something that embodies with honesty the spirit and essence of this blog.  It's a title that epitomizes the way we eat and live around my children's allergies.  It fully represents the ingredients I choose to cook with.  Natural, clean, authentic, unprocessed - all can be summed up in the word Pure.  And everything is always peanut free, naturally.

However, in the blog world, titles run deep.  So bear with me as I work through the kinks and snags this change will cause.  I have my work cut out for me.

What do you think of the new title and cover photo?  Did I make the right decision?

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